Mergers and acquisitions in Latin America fell in one year but their price increased

Mergers and acquisitions in Latin America fell in one year but their price increased

The market for operations for a merger or acquisition in the region fell last year in terms of the number of operations, with the cut-off date being the movements from April 2023 to the same month of 2024; although those deals were substantially larger in dollars.

Until the fourth month of the year there were 809 mergers and acquisitions, both announced and closed, for an aggregate amount of US$18.59 billion, according to updates from TTR Data and Datasite. “These figures imply a 20% decrease in the number of transactions and a 33% increase in their amount, compared to April 2023.”

As for April, a total of 178 mergers and acquisitions have been registered in the month, both announced and closed, for an aggregate amount of US$6,142 million.

Movement by regions

According to data recorded until April, by number of transactions, Brazil leads the ranking of the most active countries in the region with 496 transactions (with a decrease of 23%) and with a 3% increase in mobilized capital (US$12,861 millions). Mexico follows on the list with 94 transactions (with a decrease of 20%) and a decrease of 84% in their amount (US$1,307 million), compared to April 2023.

Chile fell in the general count with 91 transactions (a decrease of 25%) and with a 73% decrease in mobilized capital (US$1,763 million). Colombia, for its part, drops one position in the ranking, but is the only country with positive results in the transactional market and registers 78 deals (an increase of 1%) and a 251% increase in mobilized capital (US$2,045 million), in year-on-year terms.