He Advisory Council of Andalusia considers fully valid official protection qualification issued in 2009, in a detailed study, on all the houses to be built on the old football field of Lucena. The mandatory and binding report annuls the plenary agreement of last October, based on the processing of an ex officio review. Only IU took a position against it and, among the municipal technicians, they crossed paths divergent theories.
Admitted floors
At the request of the owner of the land, Constructions and Contracts Hairthe Plenary promoted the modification of the required figure of VPO with the purpose of reduce it to 30%. On Santa Teresa Avenue, with an extension of 22,765 square metersyes, the number of floors admitted amounts to 171.
In the resolution, the autonomous body concludes, refuting the arguments of the construction company and the City Council, that, in no case, the previous detailed study “exceeded” the defined matters since, for example, it did not address the dimensions of the Parkland. On the other hand, it refutes as causes of disability the lack of an economic-financial study or ignore the request for an opinion from the Advisory Council itself.
With all that, ““It is not appropriate to assess the causes of nullity,” affirms this administrative body, and rules “unfavorably”e”, covering the agreement of the Plenary Session of 2009 is absolutely valid and the stipulation of 100% of the social housing.
From IU, the spokesperson, Miguel Villa, has stated that ““Lucena and her neighbors must be very satisfied”, highlighting that “that act was legal and in accordance with the law” and “this is a result to be congratulated.” Consequently, The intention to build rent-free apartments disappears.