Peru registers the worst drop in the world ranking of corruption perception since 2012

Peru registers the worst drop in the world ranking of corruption perception since 2012

Peru once again hits rock bottom in matters fight against corruption. According to the “Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2023”, prepared annually by Transparency International, The country has recorded its worst drop in the global ranking since 2012, falling from 101st place to 121st place, now finding itself in the bottom third and sharing a position with Angola, Mongolia and Uzbekistan.. This responds to a drop of three points in the value of the index compared to the previous year: from 36 to 33.

As recalled, this study analyzes the efforts and policies of 180 countries around the world to combat corruption and respect for human rights and translates them into scores. The higher the score, the country is considered “less corrupt.” The sources used for this report cover a period of approximately two years. In the case of Peru, it runs from 2022 to September 2023.

“The value recorded by Peru would have been affected by the revelations of corruption and unethical conduct of the governments of Pedro Castillo and Dina Boluarte, as well as the decisions of Congress, which have accumulated counter-reforms, setbacks in anti-corruption instruments, such as effective collaboration and shields for ethically questioned congressmen, among others,” reads a press release.

In a comparison in the region, Peru is ranked 23rd out of 32 countries. “In the americas, Peru is located in the bottom third, below Ecuador, a country that is currently experiencing a dramatic crisis of violence generated by organized drug trafficking crime. conceived in previous years,” the report emphasizes.

In the ranking, Peru appears above countries such as El Salvador, Mexico, Bolivia and Paraguay, but below Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Argentina and Brazil. When comparing Peru with the countries that make up the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an alliance to which it aspires to join, the nation is located in penultimate place, surpassing only Mexico, also deeply affected by drug trafficking. .

It should be noted that among the countries in this group there are also those that show better performance in the study, such as Denmark (which obtains 90 out of a possible 100 points), Finland (87) and New Zealand (85).

If the comparison is transferred to the geoeconomic space of the Asia Pacific Cooperation Forum (APEC), whose summit will be held this year in Lima, the country is also in the last places and behind countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, China, Chile and the Philippines. . Peru only surpassed Papua New Guinea, Russia and Mexico.

How to reverse the situation?

In this regard, the executive director of Proética, Samuel Rotta, “the result of our country is very worrying and “should reinforce the sense of urgency to stop the institutional deterioration that has been occurring in recent years.”

To do this, he said, “it is essential to resume the reforms, in particular State contracting and the strengthening of the institutional framework for public integrity and to ensure transparency and access to public information.” He added that It is important to give greater impetus to the implementation of key reforms, such as the modernization of the civil service, on which there should be a national consensus.

Meanwhile, the president of Proética, Carmen McEvoy, considered that theCorruption devours the institutions of the republic and the social fabric, largely contributing, among other things, to the growth of daily violence. that does not give truce.

He insisted that we must not lose sight of the fact that Peru is risking the reconstruction of the republic, that It should have ethics as its axis in decisions on public affairs and be fed back with the strengthening of ethics in domestic and organizational spheres.

“This bet is threatened on many fronts, from the usual bribes, large and small, to the emergence of criminal organizations that capture territories, trafficking routes for illicit merchandise and State agents; Therefore, the challenge is enormous and our authorities have to rise to the occasion,” he said.