Fugitivos de la pandemia en el paraíso: el cofundador de Google lleva más de un año en Fiyi

Pandemic escapees in paradise: Google co-founder has been in Fiji for more than a year

According to the American media ‘Insider’, Larry Page has been living on an isolated island in Fiji for much of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to this medium, the Google co-founder has spent much of the last year on the island of Tavarua, and locals have stated that the millionaire has bought one or more islands.

The oceanic island nation closed its borders to tourists last year, but thanks to the ‘Blue Lane’ initiative the super-rich like Page can enter the islands as long as they comply with quarantine rules. According to the navigator Lorenzo Cipriani in his blog “superyachts are welcomed with open arms, for which access procedures are easier, while for sailboats like ours it is not.”

Medical Help on a Private Jet

On June 19, in the middle of the second wave of the coronavirus in Fiji, the local media ‘Fijian Broadcasting Company News’ published the news in which they claimed that Larry Page had made a donation of medical supplies to the oceanic country that had arrived on your Private Jet. As ‘Business Insiders’ assures, a few days later, the news disappeared without a trace.

The article announced the arrival of masks, gowns or gloves on a private flight from Hawaii. The health authorities of the oceanic country asked to withdraw this news, alleging that The information should not be public.

Disappeared from public life

Larry Page disappeared from public life since He left Google in 2019. Yes ok Zuckerberg, Bezos and Tim Cook have been questioned by the American Congress, both Page and Google co-founders Sergei Brin have avoided it since leaving the company two years ago. Since then the Page’s activities and whereabouts are a mystery and it is rare to find information about him.

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