Telecinco is reaching its ceiling in audiences with the plot generated between Sofía Suescun, Maite Galdeano and Kiko Jiménez. After the former contestant of ‘Supervivientes All Stars’ set an audience record with her interview on ‘¡De viernes!’, they are now chasing more viewers with two new interviews.
As reported by FormulaTV, Kiko Jiménez will sit down this Saturday on the program ‘Fiesta’, of which he is a contributor, to answer the interview that Maite Galdeano will give on ‘¡De viernes!’ tonight. According to the publication, the format will cover, point by point, all the aspects that the Pamplona native talks about in her interview for the Mandarina programme.
Starting at 4:00 p.m., and During almost the entire program, the format presented by Verónica Dulanto and Frank Blanco will analyze Maite’s words, and they will make Kiko watch all the statements on the set respond to the truths or lies that Sofía Suescun’s mother may say tonight on the set.
With this interview and next Sunday’s content, ‘Fiesta de verano’ will say goodbye with the aforementioned presenters, giving way to Emma Garciathe incumbent, starting next weekend. On Saturday, September 7, the Basque woman will return to take charge of the program. after a well-deserved summer vacation.