After the rescue of the state-owned Petroperú, the company will see changes in its senior management

After the rescue of the state-owned Petroperú, the company will see changes in its senior management

Petroperú reported that the president of the board of directors of the state oil company, Pedro Chira Fernández and the directors Artemio Reátegui Soria and Pedro Méndez Milla presented their resignation irrevocable before the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) of the company, which – in turn – announced the formation of a new board of directors.

The head of Economy and Finance (MEF), José Arista, gave some of the names that will make up the new board. As reported, Petroperú will have directors on a temporary basis until the National Fund for Financing State Business Activity (Fonafe) carries out a process. Who will be the directors?

“From the MEF, we have Carlos Linares. He has been a finance officer for the MEF, in the Treasury; president of Cofide; and he is president of the Bank of Commerce. There is also David Tuesta, who started at Sunat, he knows about taxation; he went to Banco Continental; and he was minister of the MEF. Everyone knows him for betting on competitiveness,” said Minister Arista.

He added that: “Our bet is that these members start working as quickly as possible, with each passing day, Petroperú’s losses increase. The least we want to do is generate a fuel shortage”.

The state oil company also assured that, “given the different information that has been disseminated in the media,” they see it convenient to clarify that in a timely manner and with total transparency they have been informed about the company’s management through official communications disseminated in its digital channels and in the national media.

Petroperú also ruled out having ignored or not responded to requests for information from regulatory entities and the State. with due diligence and with truthful information, in faithful compliance with the legal regulations, regulations and procedures that govern the company.

Read the full note in Management of Peru