Summer is coming and with it, the substitutions for vacations. Last Friday Dani Mateo finished the program and took vacations, and the sixth He has had to look for someone to take over his position in view of the programmes that will be broadcast in August. But they didn’t have to go far to find that person, as he is a legend on the show.
Is about Miki Nadal. The comedian, who has been on ‘Zapeando’ since almost its debut programme, has finally been the one to replace Mateo in this month’s episodes, leaving the regular presenter to recharge his batteries for September. The programme did not announce his replacement in advance, but people found him when they tuned in to laSexta yesterday during the afternoon hours.
“Good afternoon and welcome to this programme. You didn’t expect this, you didn’t see it coming,” said the comedian, who already has experience in the job he now performs. He was one of the substitutes for the program after Dani Mateo had an accident and could not go to work.
Furthermore, before moving on to the actual content of the comedy show, the new presenter addressed the audience to send them a clear message, both for supporters and detractors: “I’m here presenting. I’ll be here all summer, so congratulations to those who like it the way I do it. And I’m very sorry for those who don’t like it, there are many too.”