The second installment of ‘Bárbara Rey: My Truth’ continues to generate reactions in current affairs and social chronicle programs. This Monday, the former star offered a heartbreaking testimony about her relationship with her son, Ángel Cristo Jr., in the ‘De Viernes!’ special. Through tears, Barbara was forceful: “I could say very big and strong things about my son.“These statements became the central theme of the discussion at ‘TardeAR’, where collaborators such as Xavier Sardà, Cristina Cifuentes and Boris Izaguirre offered their opinions on the matter.

You have to know how to cry this way, right? When someone really cries, it’s hard to say so many things.“, commented Xavier Sardà, starting a debate about the authenticity of Bárbara Rey’s emotions. Cristina Cifuentes, for her part, showed empathy towards the former star: “It is impossible for me to see a woman cry so inconsolably and not empathize with the suffering of have that relationship with your son.

“There are things about Bárbara that I don’t believe, but that’s okay. That she was a bad mother and mistreated her son. There will be some truth in Bárbara’s story,” defended Bea Archidona, supported by Álvaro Muñoz Escassi, who added that “Mothers can make mistakes, but I don’t think they deserve this from a son.“. Ana Rosa Quintana closed the analysis by highlighting the emotional complexities of this relationship: “This mother and this son have had experiences that no one can imagine.”

However, it was Xavier Sardà who made the most surprising comment of the program: “Sorry, but the one who really has to cry is Queen Sofia“. A statement that generated a crossroads of opinions on the set, with Bea Archidona responding that “if Queen Sofia has to cry, it is not Barbara’s fault, it is the king’s fault. “Everyone has to put things in their place.”