Vicky del Cerro is no longer on ‘Pasapalabra’. After almost three months of competition, the Burgos native was defeated last Wednesday by Javi Cermeño, the new contestant who took her place in the blue chair. In this way, the contestant left having accumulated 32,400 euros.

Javier Cermeño, a Murcian, an administrative assistant by profession, who is known as “the word geek”, according to Cristina Alvis, in her presentation. In addition to being a great fan of the Antena 3 programme, his presence on ‘Pasapalabra’ marks his debut on television.

Thinking that he would not be able to get past the blue chair, Javier Cermeño wanted to dedicate his time on the programme to his parents, Pedro and Fina: “If I am here it is thanks to them, they will be very excited, and the blue chair, if I get past, is for you,” he confessed at the beginning of the programme.

“I can’t believe it, it’s a pleasure to be here. I feel a little bad for Vicky, she’s a person who’s been here for a long time,” the contestant argued. In his first ‘rosco’, Javier Cermeño beat Manuel with 22 correct answers and 0 wrong answers on the scoreboard, forcing his partner to resort to the blue chair to be able to continue in the evening contest.