The Polish Witold Bańka, president of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), has expressed in a statement his concern about the problems of the Spanish system and has assured that “the fact that there are positive cases that have not been treated in time, despite regular monitoring by part” of your body, “It is unacceptable”.

In its writing, the international organization assures that “take note of recent information that has appeared in the media in relation to accusations relating” to the State Agency Spanish Commission for the Fight against Doping in Sports (CELAD) for alleged irregularities.

After “strongly rejecting the suggestion that he ever I would turn a blind eye “in any valid case,” WADA “confirms that all cases have been repeatedly followed up through the results management process and that some remain pending.”

“In fact, in addition to following CELAD on apparently delayed pending cases, WADA took the highly unusual step in 2023 of withdrawing three Biological Passport (ABP) cases from it and handing them over to the relevant international federations to deal with. In others two cases of ABP, WADA imposed strict deadlines on CELAD to make a decision“he points out.

He also confirms that several months, “As part of its compliance monitoring program, it has been aware of ongoing issues related to CELAD, including several issues related to controls and results management. In this connection, WADA provided CELAD with a report of corrective actions that needed to be addressed as a matter of urgency, including with respect to a number of delayed cases. “This matter is ongoing.”

He assures that WADA still has more issues for CELAD and the Spanish anti-doping system, “particularly about the way the country’s 2021 Anti-Doping Law is being applied. “Although WADA supported the passage of the legislation, it has since become clear that the way in which the law is being interpreted and applied in practice does not conform to the terms of the World Anti-Doping Code (Code).”

“WADA always reserves the right to request amendments to legislation when it is applied incorrectly or in a way that conflicts with the Code. In addition, apparent non-compliance has been identified in a royal decree that was published in October 2023 without any prior consultation with WADA. This could trigger new compliance problems for CELAD in the coming weeks,” she says.

Given this situation, Banka specifies that the AMA is “very aware of the Deep-rooted problems in Spanish anti-doping” and that he is “disappointed with the level of cooperation” they have received from CELAD in their “attempt to improve the system for Spanish athletes. “The fact that there are positive cases that have not been treated in time, despite regular monitoring by WADA, is unacceptable.”

The leader of the international organization states that from there “he will ensure that CELAD –and all anti-doping organizations– adhere to the highest standards in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code, including the prosecution of cases where appropriate.”

“As such, WADA is following its usual process and acting in the best interests of clean sport. All of these matters are being thoroughly investigated by WADA. If they are not addressed quickly and effectively, it is clear that they will have important consequences for Spanish sport,” adds Banka on this matter, which “continues to be the subject of an exhaustive investigation.”