The storm Karlotta has left in Córdoba strong gusts of wind and abundant rains since this Thursday, alternating yellow and orange alerts for both phenomena throughout the province on Friday. The airport’s weather station recorded this Saturday 6.4 liters of water per square meter between 00:00 and 17:30, but the rain received amounts to 84.9 liters since last Thursday. As for the wind, the maximum recorded at Córdoba Airport this Saturday was 48 kilometers per hour at 2:10 p.m. (yesterday it reached 61 km/h).
Furthermore, the rain has left images like that of the Guadalquivir flood as it passes through Cordova. The river has seen its flow increase significantly after the latest rainfall. Also in the province, the Karlotta storm has left images such as that of the Bailón River as it passes through Zuheros.
The Fire Fighting and Rescue Service (SEIS), and Emergencies 112 Andalusia report that this Saturday, since midnight, no new incidents have been recorded in Córdoba due to the storm. Yesterday, Friday, the capital did register a dozens of incidents, as reported by the firefighters, who stated that they were not relevant. The city’s two SEIS parks dealt with falling debris, burning cables, a clogged sewer, flooding in buildings and the flooding of the national IV.
The Children’s City, closed
On the other hand, the Córdoba City Council has closed the Botanical Garden and the Children’s City by adverse weather conditions. On the other hand, incidents such as the flooding in Posadas and the cut of a road between Montilla and Montalbán. Furthermore, in The Rambla a wall of the Alfar school collapsed on two vehicles.
Regarding rain records in other stations in Córdoba, information from Aemet indicates that Fuente Palmera is the municipality that has received the most water until this Saturday, with 102 liters. The town of Cardena accumulate 100.2 liters from Thursday and Guadanuño reservoir, in Córdoba, has received 87.8 liters until 5:00 p.m.

The City Council, prepared
Miguel Ruiz Madruga stated yesterday, Friday, that the City Council is monitoring the evolution of the weather and is prepared in case it is necessary to close parks and gardens to avoid possible risks to citizens. “We are constantly evaluating and if there is a need to close, we are prepared to do so. We have the device ready, we depend on the criteria of the Security and Civil Protection area,” he recalled.
Regarding other possible incidents, he also added that Emacsa would act in case the scuppers become clogged and specified that “we have the mobile fleet at the disposal of the firefighters, the Local Police and Civil Protection in case it is necessary to collaborate in tasks of removing elements on public roads”.

Road closure and flooding
In the province of Cordovathe rains yesterday caused the CO-4207 road cut, that connects the towns of Montilla and Montalbán. The interruption occurred at kilometer 5, in the municipality of Montilla, due to the overflowing of the Salado stream, so Highway Maintenance cordoned off the area and the Civil Guard prevented access, as reported by Emergencies 112 Andalucía.

On the other hand, in the town of Inns The rainfall also caused some incidents. Specifically, in the area of Rivero de Posadas, whose road was flooded in one section. The reason for the flooding, apparently, was channel overflow which runs parallel to the road that connects the town of Malena with the town.
In the colonization town itself, the company Continental Plants suffered the flooding of part of its facilities, dedicated to the research and production of seedlings of different types of plant varieties, especially roses and olive trees, Rafael reported. Valenzuela.
In the town of La Rambla, the rainfall caused fall of a wall at the Alfar school, which collapsed on two cars that were parked in the place. This incident did not cause personal injury, although it did cause material damage to the affected vehicles, he reported. Juan Pablo Bellido.
The Local Police of Córdoba also attended a dozens of incidents during yesterday afternoon, Friday, according to the latest municipal report. One of them took place in the area of Alcoleain ancient National IV, next to the gas station and nursing home. Civil Protection and firefighters acted to relieve a pool of water accumulated in the area that affected vehicle traffic. According to sources from the Córdoba City Council, Civil Protection activated its machinery to release the accumulation generated, in anticipation of continued rain. This performance began in the early afternoon and lasted until after 8:00 p.m.
The summary of the day in Córdoba
According to 112, in the province of Córdoba the rain and wind caused incidents in the municipalities of Adamuz, Aguilar de la FronteraAlmodóvar del Rio, Cardeña, Córdoba, La CarlotaLa Rambla, LucenaMontilla, Montoro, ObejoInns, Priego From Cordoba, Genil Bridge, Villafranca from Córdoba and Villaviciosa From Cordoba throughout the day.
Most of the problems were due to drops in branches on the road, flooding and traffic incidents. It is necessary to highlight the overflow of the salty stream, that caused the cutting of the CO-4207 in Montilla, that of the stream of Guarromanin the urbanization The Wasteland in Almodóvar del Río and the Guadalbarbo stream in Córdoba capital.