The Córdoba City Council has enabled a new social aid plan for vulnerable people who have difficulties paying the monthly rent or who cannot pay it due to their economic circumstances. The initiative was presented this Monday morning by the spokesperson for the government team, Miguel Ángel Torrico, and the deputy mayor delegate for Social Services, Eva Contador.


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The plan will be in effect throughout the year and will have one million euros as a maximum limitwhich come from the budgets of the Social Services area, although the aid and everything related to its management will be borne by the municipal housing company, Vimcorsa. To this end, the local government board has authorized the signing of an agreement between the public company and the City Council itself to make the agreed amounts available.

Maximum per family unit

Each person or family unit may request up to a maximum of 6,000 euros per year to pay the rent, although there is no minimum limit when requesting aid, as Eva Contador has explained. Torrico, for his part, has defined the new line of aid as a proposal “for emergency aid for people at risk of social exclusion. The City Council has been a pioneer in finding solutions for vulnerable people.”

The plan will have a duration of four years which may be extended for another two more. It is still unknown how many people the rental subsidy package will benefit, as highlighted by municipal officials.

To this million euros we must add another 400,000 euros of aid from the Junta of Andalusia for families in vulnerable situations, an amount to which the Córdoba City Council adds “a significant amount”, in Contador’s words, and which will be paid in two phases.