He captain responsible for exercise in which two soldiers drowned from the Cerro Muriano base has been command section by the Army, as confirmed by the Ministry of Defense. “The captain responsible for the exercises in which two soldiers from the Guzmán el Bueno X Brigade of Córdoba died is removed from command of the company,” says the statement released by Defense this Friday.

“As an extension to the Army’s statement released yesterday – the Defense note literally says – in relation to the death of two soldiers from the Guzmán el Bueno X Brigade during maneuvers at the Cerro shooting and maneuver range Muriano, the Army informs that, without prejudice to the result of the judicial investigation that is being carried out, the command of the company held by the captain responsible for the aforementioned training exercise has been immediately withdrawn.

The facts are being investigated by a court in Córdoba. The two soldiers who lost their lives were carrying out basic military training tasks.

A natural corporal from Adamuz and a soldier from El Viso (Seville)

One of the deceased is Corporal Miguel Ángel Jiménez Andujar, 34 years old, married, native of Adamuz and resident in Villafranca. He had joined the Army as a soldier in 2011, being assigned to the La Reina 2 Infantry Regiment, where he remained after being promoted to corporal in 2019. He had participated in missions in Latvia and Lebanon and was in possession of two crosses of merit. military with white badge.

The other deceased is soldier Carlos León Rico, 24 years old, single and a native of The Viso (Seville) and who joined the Army as a soldier on May 8, also assigned to the La Reina 2 Infantry Regiment.