Pedro Sánchez uses up the last cartridges a few hours before the end of the campaign. With union support and raising fear of the reduction of labor rights by the extreme right to mobilize the vote of the working class. Dressed at the beginning with a UGT cap and accompanied by his general secretary, Pepe Álvarez, the President of the Government spoke this afternoon in his penultimate campaign event. Before the culmination this afternoon in Fuenlabrada, one of the main granaries of the socialist vote in the south of Madrid. If the PSOE returned yesterday to the starting point of the campaign by focusing on Palestine, after the Government joined the process of the International Criminal Court against Israel for crimes of genocide in Gaza, today it recovered the diplomatic clash with the Argentine president, Javier Milei, which occurred during the pre-campaign.

“We are all going to vote left-handed to stop the extreme right,” the head of the Executive began, turning around the term used by the Argentine president to refer disparagingly to the left. As an analogy of what may happen in Spain and Europe after 9J, Sánchez referred to the fact that Milei has announced the suppression of the Ministry of Women “because he does not want her cause to be made visible.” The fear of the “right-wing international” became in his speech fear of Milei, who “would never have been president of Argentina if she had not had Macri's help. That is, the Argentine right.”

The leader of the socialists defended the “workers' cause” and evoked the legacy of Julián Besteiro to intensify the bond with the union linked to the PSOE since its founding. The vindication of the Palestinian cause, which they also try to capitalize on from the space on the left of the socialists, was also present in Sánchez's speech. The socialists have focused on the last-minute undecided people, especially young people and women, whom he tried to seduce in the face of the “reactionary advance.”

Sánchez changed Abascal for Milei at a rally with the Argentine president as one of its protagonists. “Either we are with social justice or we are with Milei or we are with peace or we are with Netanyahu” he compared. Not in vain, the opening act before the candidate Teresa Ribera intervened was a representative of the General Confederation of Argentine Labor, who focused on teaching about the consequences of Milei's policies on the working class of his country.

“Today we are here to ask the workers to vote,” the third vice president began without further ado and then praised the need for unionism to stop the extreme right. Of course, also with the help of the PSOE, which she positioned as the defender of “union values” and the response to a social solution to the crisis without loss of rights for workers.

He compared the PP to Milei and his far-right allies for “wanting to destroy European institutions and values ​​from within.” “Europeanism and social justice”, he contrasted against “cuts”, “regression” and “every man for himself”. The epic of the “comeback” has also been present in Ribera's speech to give a final push to the mobilization. The chances of winning, he defended, would even be recognized by Feijóo himself because he had gone from brandishing a ten-point advantage over the Socialists to “aspiring for a tie.” “You can smell the comeback in the exit polls,” he said, referring to the Netherlands where the polls have already opened.

The general secretary of the UGT, Pepe Álvarez, joined the role of the Argentine president in this last day of the campaign. He began with a nod to the “smell of Peronism” from the magnolia trees in the garden of the Julián Besteiro school where the rally was being held, then he showed his rejection of Vox for the “adoration they have had for Milei” and finally denounced that their policies had expelled of the country to 300,000 workers to be able to make a living. Likewise, he asked to make Argentine unionism and its role visible in “stopping the advance of the extreme right.”

“Today Argentina is the hope for millions of workers,” he harangued to conclude that “their fight is our same fight.” Álvarez mimicked the strong idea of ​​the socialists to stop the “reactionary international” and called for “military action against the extreme right and its speeches.”

With a message of support for the “plural and left-wing” Government, he addressed Sánchez to pledge his support and seal the reconciliation between the union and the party to which he had been linked since its founding: “We are not going to leave you.” However, he did not fail to extend his recognition to the coalition partners and especially to the second vice president and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz.