Despite the audience success it has been reaping since its premiere, the RTVE program The Revolt, Presented by David Broncanowill undergo his first adjustment. He will do so after his visit to the program this Sunday RTVE Respondsin which the new Ombudsman of the Audience, Rosa Maria Mollo will receive those responsible for the programmes that are the subject of viewer complaints.

The guest will be Ricardo Castella, director and executive producer of The Revolt, who will commit to Molló to “continue polishing his narrative” (according to the information released by RTVE) and to incorporate women in the program. In addition, the delegate for Contents of RTVE, Augustine Alonso.

This episode of RTVE Responde can be seen on September 30, at 1:30 p.m., on La 2 and RTVE Play. In it, the Ombudsman addresses the content and language of the La Revuelta team and Castella commits to eliminating those jokes and word games related to drugs from the time slot. access prime time and gradually improve the female presence, now practically non-existent, in the broadcast.