Telecinco broadcasts tonight a new installment of ‘Guess what I do. The contest presented by Santi Millan puts his pot back into play in exchange for the talent of the guests.

Two teams of two players – each made up of an anonymous person and a famous person who gives them advice and tips – compete for a cash prize that they will receive if they manage to discover which talent from a given list they possess. 10 guests different ones that are placed before them. To achieve this, they will have to use their intuition in four rounds per team (eight in total), a penultimate round where an extra ball is included and a final round where the prize can be won.

At the start, teams will play by trying to guess the top 8 talents: each team has the option to choose one of the options or pass and let the other team answer. If a team fails, the money will go to the other team, so strategy plays an important role.

In the penultimate round, with the ninth guest, the extra ball of 15,000 eurosIn this case, both teams play at the same time, each choosing a ball from among three options where this prize can be found, as well as an option from among the possible skills, which can be the same for both or a different one for each.

Finally, the final round is played by the contestant who has accumulated the most money and, with the help of the two VIP guestshe has to choose between betting everything on one (or losing everything if he fails) or dividing the money between the 4 guests in front of him. In this case, the talent is known and he has to decide which of those people has it.