The State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) predicts for this Wednesday, January 3, a predominance of slightly cloudy skies in the southern third of the province. In the rest, cloudy skies tending to cover, without ruling out occasional rainfall starting in the afternoon, more probable and frequent in the north of the province and at dusk. Morning mists, without ruling out fog. Temperatures rising minimums and maximums without changes. Variable light winds, with intervals from the southwest during the afternoon.
Temperatures will be at Cordova between 4º and 17º, in Lucena between 6º and 17º, in Pozoblanco between 5º and 16º and in Priego de Córdoba between 3º and 16º.
Here you can check the weather forecast for today in all the municipalities of Córdoba, Andalusia and Spain.
The weather in Córdoba this Thursday
For this Thursday, January 4, the Aemet predicts very cloudy or cloudy skies. precipitation occasionally accompanied by storms, which can be locally strong or persistent. Snow level dropping to 1,800 meters at the end of the day. Morning mists, without ruling out fog. Minimum temperatures on the rise, reaching at the end of the day in the north of the province; maximums without changes. Winds from the west, weak to moderate.
The thermometers will oscillate Cordova between 8º and 17º, in Lucena between 7º and 17º, in Pozoblanco between 9º and 13º, and in Priego from Córdoba between 4º and 15º.