Manu Tenorio has visited this Sunday the program ‘Party‘and took the opportunity to talk about his personal and professional situation, but what caught the most attention in his speech was her harsh criticism of the media treatment of her squatter case by “comrades from another network.”
Without mentioning names, the Andalusian singer showed his dissatisfaction with the way in which these professionals have approached the issue, ensuring that they did so from “a very strange prism.” The interpreter, who stated from the beginning that “they blew my mind,” continued by commenting that “They have treated the topic from an approach that I do not understand, but if it has helped them increase the audience, well, good for them.”.
The singer not only targeted other media outlets, but also criticized what he considered manipulation by certain press headlines: “You put together an extraordinary presentation and then it is overshadowed by two or three headlines that, on top of that, are out of place.”. This situation seems to have reinforced his sense of frustration, not only with the squatters residing in his rented chalet in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, but also with the way in which his problem has been publicly treated.
Manu Tenorio concluded his speech by sending a message about the difficulties of defending certain issues in a system that, according to him, favors silence. “We are in a system in which it seems that it is more profitable to shut up, suck it up and be a good guy“, reflected the artist, making it clear that he does not feel “touched”, but he does feel “frustrated” with the functioning of the system and with the media impact of his case.