‘Friday!’ will receive Carmen Borrego and José María Almoguerathis time, together. After controversy between the mother and son of the Campos family, both will have the possibility of meeting on set to resolve pending issues.
After the commotion generated and expectations of his new visit to the set of ‘Friday!’, ‘Let’s see’ has opened the matter for debate. One of the latest controversies has arisen after the daughter of Maria Teresa Campos has excused himself in the contract he maintains with the Telecinco program for not being able to avoid meeting his son.
Therefore, Joaquin Prat He has spoken forcefully on the program he presents in the mornings, since he believes that Borrego is prioritizing the television show over improving his relationship with his son in private: “I have a conflict with my son, which I have to resolve privately because there is no other way to resolve it and they come to me and tell me that I have a contract to fulfill and I wipe my ass with that contract.”he said seriously.
Before that, Adriana Dorronsoro has advanced that the relationship between mother and son has not improved after the public statements of both: “What they tell me is that José María is very closed to a reconciliation and Carmen is very nervous”the collaborator said before saying that Carmen maintains the clause of not appearing together on set.
Despite this, Telecinco’s nighttime program, according to Dorronsoro, intends to broadcast the interview first with Carmen and, later, with her son José María. This way, There would be no intention for them to appear together on setalthough they would give them the opportunity to see each other if they wanted.
Joaquín Prat’s positioning has been applauded by his set colleagueslike Isabel Rábago or Antonio Rossi, who has defined the situation as a “fucking show.”