“Today a new era begins in Argentina, we bring to an end a sad story of decadence and decline.” The far-right Javier Milei became Argentine president this morning, 40 years after the end of the last military dictatorship. “Argentines forcefully expressed a will for change that no longer exists. has return. “We bury decades of failure.”
Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was in charge of taking the oath of office to her successor, Victoria Villarruel, and to the new president, who had been received at the Congress headquarters shouting “freedom.” The extertulian and economist He later received the command attributes of a grim Alberto Fernández, who concluded his administration in the midst of enormous unpopularity and who left behind 45% poor people and 150% inflation. Mile put on the presidential sash on none other than International Human Rights Day, an ideology with which she, like Villarruel, has expressed little empathy. “Long live freedom, damn“Milei wrote in the book of minutes that certifies his status as new head of state. The two Fernández, already former president and former vice president, immediately left Parliament. “Good afternoon,” she said, and turned her back on them. She took the Villarruel post. “This is a historic moment,” he said, and concluded the formal ceremony.
Milei arrived at the legislature accompanied by his sister Karina, a kind of emotional and organizational support that will have a leading role, although in the shadows in the incoming administration, known as The Boss. “Olé, olé, Milei, Milei,” his followers greeted him as he passed, waving Argentine flags. “The caste is afraid“, they also sang, remembering the slogan that brought him to power. Before entering Parliament, he turned around and greeted those who lived it. The vice president was waiting for him at the door, all dressed in red.
The presidential inauguration was accompanied by the cream of the global extreme right. One of the novelties of the splendor of Buenos Aires is related to the presence of the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, who arrived in the city of Buenos Aires surrounded by very strict security measures.
Spain will be officially represented by Felipe VI and Juan Fernández Trigo, Secretary of State for Latin America. The Chilean Gabriel Boric and the Bolivian Luis Arse are the only representatives of the progressive Latin American governments. The Colombian Gustavo Petro and the Mexican Andrés Manuel López Obrador gave up traveling. The Brazilian Foreign Minister, Mauro Vieira, came on behalf of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. For the current ruler of Argentina’s main trading partner, the place that Milei has assigned to Bolsonaro, a former president disqualified from holding public office for eight years and who faces judicial investigations for his alleged participation in the attempted coup d’état in Argentina, has been intolerable. last January 8th.
The new Government has been formed with enormous support at the polls but with a weak political architecture. La Libertad Avanza (LLA) only has 36 deputies out of 257 and consists of 72 senators. Their ambitious economic and social projects, which seek to establish themselves in an era of Argentina, will need the support of the traditional right. Part of that training has already joined the team of ministers. Milei in turn wants to have the most conservative sectors of Peronism and other groups that share his roadmap. The extreme right intends to privatize strategic public assets that were not auctioned in the 1990s and, in addition, carry out a rigorous fiscal austerity plan. It is not ruled out that, faced with adversity in Parliament, capitalist anarcho will take some of its drastic measures by decree.
Before taking office, Milei hinted that the first months of his administration will be very hard because the effects of inflation must be mitigated. A significant devaluation of the peso, the national currency, is expected immediately, which will have an unavoidable impact on the prices and pockets of Argentines. His bold proposals for “dynamite“The Central Bank and dollarizing the economy are shelved for the moment.
Therefore, Milei has decided to apply his chainsaw to the Government structure. Of the 18 existing ministries, it will keep half. The Women and Gender portfolio will not exist. Culture has become a secretariat.
Despite the fact that Milei’s sympathizers again remembered the “political caste” negatively, the president could only resort to the most stale of it and appointed Luis Caputo in Economics and his former partner Santiago Bausili in the Central Bank. Both are considered responsible for designing the external debt policy of the Government of Mauricio Macri, in 2018.