The work of the reporters working on the street He is one of the most sacrificed. Ungrateful at times and often at the mercy of inclement weather, it can cause delicate moments like the one that happened to a Telemadrid professional.

This is Sara, a journalist from the program ‘120minutes’ on Telemadrid, who was trying report live in connection with María Rey, of the enormous controversy generated around Álvaro García Ortiz, Attorney General of the State.

The reporter entered the space produced by Unicorn to provide the latest data on the decision of the Supreme Court to open a case against him for alleged revelation of secrets. Although she maintained her composure at all times, with each passing second the situation became more untenable for her.

And Sara was losing her voice as her story progressed. Finally, with barely a thread of voice, he managed finish your chronicle and say goodbye of Telemadrid viewers after having maintained the type with category and maximum professionalism.