Carmen Borrego Last night was probably her worst night on television. The Telecinco collaborator was forced to sit down on ‘De viernes’ to listen to her son’s interview.

In the program, Borrego revealed the toughest message he received from Jose Maria Almoguera. “I wanted to ask you about a message that your son sends you, I don’t know when, I would like you to detail it for me and why he answers you like that because we have heard him say that many times he has not answered you so as not to give you a bad answer but, on the occasion of a WhatsApp that you send him, He tells you ‘get the idea that I’m dead to you’“, he questions Angela Porter.

“That message comes because I come to work on Friday and they tell me that my son has not come because he is sick. Immediately, I write to him and say ‘Jose Maria, I just found out that you are sick, I want you to know that I am here, I would like to know how you are’ and he answers that message that ‘great’… but, The next day I ask him again, ‘Jose, how are you, son?’ and he answers me what you have answered.. That is the answer when asking a child ‘how are you’,” replied the collaborator of ‘Let’s see.’

Finally, Carmen admits that she is tired and is unable to understand why her son has distanced himself from her: “I have not done anything to be questioned so much, I have done nothing to make my son answer me ‘I am dead to you’, Because saying that to a mother is the worst thing you can say to her, you kill her.”