This Thursday, December 19, ‘Big Brother’ has not only managed to lead thanks to its final gala, but has also managed to the maximum share of the edition at 18.3%. In second position is ‘Horizon’ of Fourwhich is close to double digits by achieving 9.4% in its new delivery.
In third position are La 1 and laSexta, which with the broadcast of ’59 seconds’ and the film ‘Objective: Washington DC’, respectively, achieved a 6.8% audience share. Finally, ‘Beguinas’ gets 5.3% in its last episode. For its part, in prime time access, ‘The anthill‘ (15.4%) manages to beat ‘The revolt‘ (15.1%) in their last annual showdown.
The 1
The revolt: 1,929,000 (15.1%)
59 seconds: 561,000 (6.8%)
Antenna 3
The anthill: 1,960,000 (15.4%)
Beguines: 414,000 (5.3%)
Big Brother: express: 1,107,000 (8.7%)
Big Brother: 1,121,000 (18.3%)
laSexta Clave: 590,000 (5.2%)
The intermediate: 885,000 (6.9%)
The blockbuster “Target: Washington DC”: 558,000 (6.8%)
First Dates: 723,000 (6.0%)
First Dates: 977,000 (7.6%)
Horizon: 664,000 (9.4%)
The 2
Figures and letters: 580,000 (4.7%)
Cinema “Marisol, call me Pepa”: 385,000 (3.0%)
The 1
The night in 24 hours: Cover: 151,000 (3.5%)
The night in 24 hours: 102,000 (3.9%)
Antenna 3
Cinema “Obsession to the limit”: 132,000 (3.5%)
Cinema “American Warships”: 112,000 (3.6%)
The unchecking: Early morning: 147,000 (6.2%)
The 2
TV Documents: 181,000 (2.0%)
Javier Perianes in the real Alcázar, Seville: 32,000 (0.6%)
Radio 3 concerts: 9,000 (0.2%)
The most beautiful landscapes in the world: 19,000 (0.8%)
The 1
The modern: 782,000 (9.6%)
The promise: 1,018,000 (13.4%)
Wild Valley: 570,000 (7.3%)
The hunter: 656,000 (7.3%)
Here the Earth: 1,124,000 (10.8%)
Antenna 3
Dreams of freedom: 1,141,000 (13.0%)
And now, Sonsoles: 786,000 (9.9%)
Pasapalabra: 1,685,000 (16.8%)
Jorge’s diary: 685,000 (8.1%)
Afternoon AR: 744,000 (9.5%)
Chain reaction: 845,000 (8.5%)
Zapping: 491,000 (5.7%)
Better late: 594,000 (7.5%)
Everything is a lie: 593,000 (7.2%)
Know it, don’t know it: 367,000 (4.5%)
The 2
Know and win: 638,000 (7.1%)
Great documentaries: 379,000 (4.7%)
Documenta2: 247,000 (3.2%)
The most beautiful landscapes in the world: 222,000 (2.7%)
Cultures 2: 106,000 (1.1%)
Diary of a Nomad: 212,000 (2.0%)
Diary of a Nomad: 391,000 (3.4%)
The 1
The time of 1: 246,000 (12.0%)
Morning workers: 269,000 (8.3%)
Extra morning: 468,000 (6.2%)
Antenna 3
Public mirror: 354,000 (13.4%)
Open kitchen with Karlos Arguiñano: 925,000 (19.5%)
Lucky wheel: 1,621,000 (23.1%)
The critical view: 223,000 (10.7%)
Let’s see: 397,000 (13.4%)
Let’s see more: 722,000 (11.2%)
Humoring users: 193,000 (13.1%)
Arusers: 391,000 (17.5%)
Red hot: 473,000 (11.9%)
Cobra alert: 15,000 (0.9%)
Cobra alert: 26,000 (1.3%)
Cobra alert: 43,000 (1.9%)
On everyone’s lips: 168,000 (5.2%)
The 2
That’s English: 7,000 (1.0%)
English on TVE: 8,000 (0.9%)
Zoom trends: 17,000 (1.4%)
Zoom trends: 11,000 (0.7%)
Moving seas: 21,000 (1.1%)
People of God: 15,000 (0.8%)
There is work here: 12,000 (0.6%)
The adventure of knowledge: 18,000 (0.7%)
Documenta2: 23,000 (0.9%)
80cm: 33,000 (1.1%)
Diary of a Nomad: 56,000 (1.8%)
Diary of a Nomad: 92,000 (2.6%)
“Mud in the eyes” movie mornings: 179,000 (3.0%)
A country to eat: 257,000 (2.9%)
Antena 3 Noticias 1: 2,092,000 (23.5%)
Newscast 1: 1,074,000 (12.0%)
Telecinco News 3pm: 884,000 (9.9%)
laSexta Noticias 2pm: 805,000 (9.6%)
Gamers: 601,000 (6.6%)
News Four 1: 414,000 (5.9%)
Prime Time
Antena 3 Noticias 2: 2,049,000 (17.6%)
Newscast 2: 1,263,000 (10.8%)
laSexta Noticias 8pm: 865,000 (9.0%)
Telecinco News 9pm: 974,000 (8.3%)
Noticias Cuatro 2: 403,000 (4.2%)
Morning news: 131,000 (15.5%)
Antena 3 Morning news: 154,000 (12.6%)
El Matinal (Telecinco): 138,000 (8.3%)
Diary: Antena 3 (13.2%), Telecinco (10.4%), La 1 (9.9%), laSexta (7.7%), Cuatro (6.1%), La 2 (2.8% ).
Monthly: Antena 3 (12.7%), La 1 (9.7%), Telecinco (9.3%), laSexta (6.7%), Cuatro (6.0%), La 2 (2.9% ).