The four Spanish financial entities, Bankinter, BBVA, Caixabank and Santander, maintain and enhance their environmental leadership in the Spanish banking sector after revalidating its membership in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World (DJSI).
The banks led by María Dolores Dancausa, Carlos Torres, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri and Ana Botin are between 25 banks most sustainable in the worldaccording to the latest edition of S&P Global, and turn Spain into a sectoral benchmark in the ESG elite with the revalidation and progress of the Spanish presence in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World (DJSI): the sustainability, social and most prestigious governance in the world.
The four are also present in the selective sustainability index FTS4Good of the London Stock Exchangethe Financial Times’ competing index in Europe.
Membership in both indices is periodically reviewed and evaluated by external auditors, in the most rigorous manner and based on the available public information. The activity reports provided by the thousands of listed companies that aspire to be part of these indices, which have already become one of the main references for investors, are also analyzed and supervised. The DJSI has appreciated more than 50% in just a decade.
After the 2023 review this world index of Dow Jonesto which nearly 3,500 large companies from around the world aspired to belong, has been reduced in number of participants and is now made up of only 320 listed companies – 16 of them Spanish – including Bankinter, BBVA, Caixabank and Santander.