It’s been several weeks since the bomb exploded that Marta Riesco was returning to the screen offering her first interview after her dismissal from Telecinco for ‘As if we were Shhh’ and his first statements in that three-hour interview resonated.

The reporter answers several questions: why are you giving this interview? Why did you choose us to tell your story? Where do you want to be? Marta answers everything, but above all, she makes things clear from the very beginning.

“Honestly, because I think that You have experienced a situation very similar to mine, You were treated unfairly at the end of your career on Sálvame, that channel owed you a lot, and still owes you a lot because you made a lot of people happy, you didn’t deserve that ending and neither did I,” explains the journalist when asked why she chose the Quickie Channel to speak for the first time.

He also makes it clear that he wants to be on television: “I want to work in television again, It’s where I should be, where I should never have left, I love television and I love my profession.”

Marta Riesco He also explained that with this interview “I don’t charge anything, I’m only going to charge on Twitter for the hater that I’m going to have” and that she gives it publicly because “a year has passed and I think it is time to talk, I am much calmer, I see things with perspectives and I need people to know what really happened to methe things they didn’t see and what happened after my dismissal. I want them to know who Marta Riesco really is, who has nothing to do with the image that was painted at that time.”

In this way, the influencer begins her interview in ‘As if we were Shhh’ comparing himself to the collaborators of the remembered ‘Sálvame’ for having disappeared from television in an unfair manner.

His interview

Cabal QuicKie launched several promos in which it was announced that Marta Riesco was going to be very sincere about her controversial departure from the Mediaset channel. It should be remembered that Marta Riesco was working on Ana Rosa’s program as a reporter at the time when her relationship with Antonio David Flores. A courtship that was revealed at a rather difficult time for Rocío Flores’ father given that he had also been fired from Sálvame and the production company where he worked, the now defunct Fábrica de la Tele, after the broadcast of the docuseries ‘Rocío, contar la verdad para seguir viva’.

At that time, Riesco became the target of attacks from programs such as Sálvamewhere the same collaborators (some, at least) of the program that she joined now to tell everything and of which she has become a collaborator are.

After Ana Rosa, Riesco went on to work at Fiestaalso as a reporter. However, last year, through a statement, she announced that she had been suddenly fired.

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After losing his job a few weeks later, Riesco suffered another personal setback and Her relationship with Antonio David, which she had defended tooth and nail despite all the criticism, was also coming to an end. “I was very wrong about him and that made me realize that I shouldn’t be sad for him. When you’re in love with someone you don’t listen to the things you don’t want to hear. But one day you start to realize things you didn’t want to see. I realized that the person I had fallen in love with wasn’t there at the worst time. You realize that you were wrong and the rest weren’t,” she said in one of her Instagram stories.

Marta, like a phoenix, had to rise from the ashes and recycle herself as an influencer, where she has almost 200,000 followers. Now, she returns to the front line to tell the whole truth about her dismissal and what happened with Antonio David Flores is back in the spotlight.