actress and singer Angy Fernández confesses with Yotele during the celebration of Desalia, a music festival organized by Ron Barceló, attended by artists, influencers and many more in Maspalomas, on the island of Gran Canaria. We have talked with her about controversies that she has recently experienced, about programs in which she has participated and even about the Benidorm Fest and her possible return to the Valencian song festival.

Well Angy, do you have someone with whom you talk about your personal things, professional projects? So in consultation mode…

Apart from the psychologist? (laughs) Well, that's it, the psychologist, my partner, my friends, few. When I have something, I ask them. Before I asked my mother more, but she has more fears, and it's not that she gave me a more negative view, but now I ask her a little less.

When you responded to Iker Jiménez the other day, you didn't ask that, right?

I don't usually ask those things. (laughs). I say it later: “I shouldn't have done that.” But lately I don't get so wet anymore, because before I was very inclined to let go of what was on my mind. But I don't think that's what I said that much.

But these things are greatly magnified…

All the trolls and Iker's followers have come, of which I used to be one, making me give birth, as if he were their king. It's like slaughtering a person who has offended your leader. And it's like “man, I haven't insulted him.” The thing is, I would never dare to insult Iker Jiménez, first because I have respect for him. I think he should have stopped following him without announcing it or anything, but he shouldn't make fun of a group. Which he says “it's not a joke, it's very funny.” You don't agree with non-binary people and that people feel however they feel. If you are so respectful, and so intelligent you are, do you believe in aliens and don't you believe in the rest? It seems strange to me that such intelligent people do not accept people as they are and as they want to be. It was respectless.

With this, the analysis we can make is that a person is very vulnerable when they are on the networks, they give a slightly controversial opinion, and that goes haywire. I don't know if you have said about this experience, “one and no more…”

You always say that, but in the end it makes you want to answer people. You should never go so far as to insult me, but there are people who are so disrespectful… And what annoys me is when it is done by people who don't have their face in the profile photo. You are insulting me, you know who I am, so let's see if you can get on my level. Let's see if you have any nerve… Sometimes I empathize with those people and think that they are not well. You have to analyze a little and see what happens to them. Why use that energy you have to try to hurt people?

What assessment do you make of the Benidorm Fest?

It was like very heavy. I remember arriving the day after Benidorm, and we were all very exhausted, without strength, but not bad, but because everything had been very intense. It was like a camp. We all got along very well, and what I stay with is what we did. The staging, the message was clear, and it's what I wanted. I wanted to bring that message, which is how so many people feel, to television, and for it to be seen.

What have you learned from this experience?

I have learned to face my fears, because music always gives me respect, and I have some panic on stage when I go up to sing alone. When they told me they caught me, at first I said I wasn't going. My mind was telling me “where have I gotten myself?” They are going to give me birth. “They're not going to like my song.” All the fears came and told me no. But in the end I gathered a group of people who believed in me and who helped me with everything. We were together, and it was a way to get back to music and tell my story. Now I want to bring up a topic, but I don't want to bring up just anything. I had some songs, but I don't want to always talk about the same thing. Now I want to be more positive.

You're looking for the moment a little…

Well, maybe the moment should have been right after Benidorm, and I didn't take advantage of the moment. In the end, I haven't stopped being there, because people continue watching 'Physics or Chemistry' on Netflix, or they remember 'Your Face Is Familiar' even though a lot of time has passed. But I've been a little missing

Would you run again?

No no. I believe that there are very good people, who have stayed at the doors, who deserve to be there.

How would you have experienced Eurovision?

It would have been very strong. There was a part of sadness for not going, but also relief. Nebulossa has not stopped, and with the issue of her children, they have had a bad time. For mental health, I thought she had a lot of things going on. Going to Eurovision would have disrupted everything a lot for me. Maybe it wasn't my time. But I would have loved to go. I don't know how it would have turned out. I would like to do something very crazy as a staging.

Now that 'X Factor' has returned, what's left of that Angy who started on that show?

The illusion remains, because if the illusion is lost, I have once lost it… But it has returned. I want. When I go to the theater, and the audience is full, I say to myself “look what I'm doing!” Then Benidorm, with those nerves. It just feels like the first day of doing 'X Factor'.

Do you remember it very far away?

No way! And it's been 16 years now. She was a little girl and she had no idea about anything.

How did you get into the program?

Well, I saw an advertisement on TV. I called and they told me that I had to go to Madrid, and since my mother wouldn't let me go alone, I went with my friend Álex, who has been my choreographer at the Benidorm Fest. I remember arriving at the casting and they did the typical interviews, and they asked me “who supports you at home? your mother? Your father?”, and when I told them that I didn't have a father, it made their heads spin. The programs like that story that accompanies the singer. And when they told me I was coming in, I started to cry, but not from excitement, but from fear. I was screwed.

You were also in 'Your face is familiar to me'

That was a long time ago. In 2011, right? It was the first and we didn't know what we were going for. At that time the characterizations were already good, but now they are impeccable. I think my editing was very natural, very clean, very fun. But no one was thinking about winning. We all went to see what that was. And now I do notice that people take it much more seriously. But there were very good people. I didn't imitate that well. If they did an All Stars, I would go with much more pressure and with more desire.