Amaia Montero has reappeared on social media after being the star guest at concerts. The singer has uploaded a photo on her official Instagram account which she has attached with a text talking about the personal change she has experienced in recent times: “Today I can say that when my world collapsed there is a magical moment that occurs before the light“.
“It is very hard, dark and persists but it is not forever“I started out doing what SF de Asís said, which was doing what was necessary to do what was possible and ending up doing the impossible.”
In a later paragraph, the artist also explains that this message she publishes is of “hope for all those people who are going through a difficult time, whatever it may be.”
“There is, however, a magic formula, which is LOVE. I have received so much from you and I want to give it back to you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. It is possible,” Amaia Montero concluded her message in this post.